Trusted Birth Photography & Doula Services in Harrisburg
Serving birthing families across Central Pennsylvania
When it comes to growing, and bringing a new life into the world, there is incredible beauty and truth in the process. Your entire body rearranges itself, and there comes a new way of being and knowing as your consciousness comes back into your body after laboring to bring your babe earth side. Yes, birth can be HARD. It is work, and requires immense reserves of strength, fortitude, and belief - but it isn't all struggle, pain and blood (although those are valid birth experiences as well)- it is often just as beautiful, just as fulfilling, and just as empowering. There is beauty in the struggle, and power in the pain - a fulfillment in the bloody creation of new life, and the chance to grow and raise another human being. As a birth photographer, I’m able to capture the unfiltered reality of this transformation, and weave your love story with my photographs - because what is birth, if not a love story?

Hi There,
I’m Megan - a birth and bereavement photographer and doula.
I love genuine human connection - the un-posed, unscripted moments of truth between people - and there’s nothing that comes as close to truth for me as birth, loss, and this wild ride parents find
themselves on.
You can usually find me with too many browser tabs open, ice water and physical planner nearby, with a pages-long To-Do list, enrolled in yet another doula course, or grief and loss training - and fully committed to documenting this beautifully messy thing called life.

Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer…
1. It means every precious moment, from the first breath to the first touch, is beautifully documented.
2. You’ll be able to see your story unfold and breathe in those moments again and again over the years.
3. There are truly transformative moments in your life, and you don’t always know when they will be ahead of time - being able to document those moments for both yourself, and future generations, is an incredibly powerful and meaningful thing.
4. Birth photographers are professionals, with loads of experience, knowledge, and skills, especially when it comes to documenting in challenging lighting situations. Having one at your birth allows you to relax and leave the worrying to them!
5. Moments get hazy and lose focus in the whirlwind of birth. Having a birth photographer at your birth allows you to be fully present for the transformation.

Reasons to Hire a Birth Doula…
1. Doulas are a wealth of knowledge, and as trained professionals, can help you navigate the medical system and become better prepared to birth your babe!
2. Having a doula at your birth means you have a personal motivational coach, cheerleader, educator, massage therapist, and trained labor coach for you AND your partner.
3.Having a dedicated support person at your birth (a doula!) allows your partner to just be that: a partner.
4.Studies have shown that having a doula at your birth actually reduces your risks of further interventions (like c-sections!) reduces your pain experience, increases birth satisfaction, and has many other benefits!
5. Doulas aren’t just for birth! Many doulas offer prenatal appointments, postpartum visits, and there are doulas that specialize in different areas of parenthood, like Pre-conception, or loss doulas. Whatever kind of support you’re looking for, there’s a doula available.

You’ve decided that you’d love more information about birth photography or doula support (or both!) Great! Send me a message, and we will set up a free virtual consultation. After that call you receive my contract and photo release forms to fill out, an invoice, and an intake form if you’d like to move forward with booking! To get on my schedule I require a 25% initial payment and signed contract/release, with the remainder of the invoice due at 38 weeks.
We all know memories and family heirlooms are priceless, but unfortunately I have to put a price on my services providing these! A birth story package is $1,495 plus tax - doula support is $1,495 plus tax, and if you bundle the two together the cost is $2,150 plus tax, for a savings of almost $900!
I go on call when you reach 38 weeks, until your babe arrives. This means at that point I am 100 percent waiting on your “go-time” text or call. I stay close to home, won’t drink alcohol, won’t leave the house without my camera gear, and have a babysitter (or three) on speed dial (who may grumble but know I may have to contact them at all hours of the night!) Twenty-four/seven, day, night, in the rain or the snow, Fourth of July or at my own doctor’s appointment, I will drop what I am doing to come to you, to document your birth story and support you during this transformative moment in your life.
I am not at your birth to be in the way, to upstage you, or draw your attention away from the hard work you’re accomplishing. In fact, I’m there as a hand picked member of your birth team, and am always aware of the vibe in your space so I blend in with the rest of your support people seamlessly. I’m very conscientious when I’m documenting, and carefully choose my images to provide the least amount of distraction.
I am a trained and certified doula, and a human being, and if you need someone to hold your hand, give you a massage or hip squeeze, get you a drink, tell you how much of a freaking rock star you are, or hold space for you while you do the hard work, I’m your gal. Oh, and the cool part? I can document AND support you at the same time, so you don’t have to choose one over the other.
If your birth involves a cesarean section, I continue to document as far as hospital permissions allow. If you REALLY want me in that OR you have to advocate with the hospital for me to join you! If I’m not able to follow you, I will try to send my backup camera with your partner or a nurse to continue to document your story. Regardless of what happens, I’ll be waiting in recovery for you and your babe to continue to weave your story with photographs.
Because birth is so unpredictable, and every birth is unique and weaves its own story, I don’t promise a set number of images, however I would expect to deliver at least 100.

What it means to be your doula…
Being a doula is an experience that I don’t take for granted -the fact that I can travel alongside families during their most transformative experiences is incredibly humbling. I’m able to provide informational, emotional and physical support throughout all stages of parenthood as a full spectrum doula, and it all starts at the first consultation. During prenatal visits I establish a deep connection and trust with the families I serve, and get to understand their unique situations, needs, fears, and desires for their birth experiences. During labor and birth, I’m the constant quiet presence in the room - offering continuous support and guidance during their journey to bring their babe earth side. My history with the families I support allows me to create a calm and supportive environment, and enables me to provide various comfort measures during labor such as positive affirmations, breathing techniques, and massage as well as labor position suggestions. I offer a constant, reassuring and encouraging presence, supporting the birthing person (and their partner!) during the intensities of labor and birth. I love watching my families advocate for themselves, for their birth, and for their babes.
real. Raw. Honest.
Touch. Something we are wired for from birth - one of our most primal and important senses, and one that can be hugely beneficial during birth. Touch releases oxytocin, the "love" hormone, which can lower stress levels, reduce blood pressure, and increase pain tolerance, all creating a more positive environment for the birthing person. During birth, oxytocin also promotes uterine contractions, and stimulates lactaction after birth.
Touch also allows you to be held. To be seen. To have another person join with you in this experience, and support you along the way. The touches and support during birth mirror the intimacy of the bedroom and the dance that first created that new life about to come earthside. In this in-between place, this liminal space, touch can ground us, center us, and let us know how powerful we truly are.
Let’s Do this
As your photographer, your doula, or your “doula-tog” my job is to support you, document the big and little moments in your life, and continue to cheer you on throughout your parenthood journey.
Investment Details
Birth Photography
On- call Starting at 38 weeks until babe arrives
Support at home or hospital births within 2 hour radius of my location
Arrival during active labor and continued documentation and/or support up to 2 hours postpartum
$1,495 + tax
Doula Support
On- call Starting at 38 weeks until baby arrives
Support at home or hospital births within 2 hour radius of my location
Arrival during active labor and continued documentation and/or support up to 2 hours postpartum
$1,495 + tax
Photography & Doula
On- call Starting at 38 weeks until baby arrives
Support at home or hospital births within 2 hour radius of my location
Arrival during active labor and continued documentation and/or support up to 2 hours postpartum
$2,150 plus tax

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